The following articles appear today:
More than 2,700 “enemy aliens” were sent to internment camps in Australia on the Dunera and the Queen Mary in September 1940. An article by historian Paul R. Bartrop reports on the background and the conditions that led to the Australian government’s decision to allow these people into the country
Peter Dehn’s childood memories of an unusual visit to a doctor in what was then West Berlin brought to light the name of the paediatrician Dr Ernst Wasser. The connection with Heinz Dehn, as research showed, arose from their shared terrifying journey on the Dunera and their internment in Australia
Starting with Dr Wasser, a search in the database of the paediatricians’ association DGKJ led to Dr Hans Frankenstein, another paediatrician and Dunera Boy.
New articles will be published on 5 May.

Dr Wasser and Dr Frankenstein were among the 800 Jewish paediatricians who were victims of Nazi persecution.