
New on dunera.de 24 June 2024

The following new articles appear today:

Biographies: Ginette Rozenfeld, born in 1928 to Polish Jews, was saved from a concentration camp by a neighbour. This was in 1942, during the mass arrests of Jewish people in Paris that went down in history as the rafle du Vel d’Hiv. The incredible courage and resolute cheek of a neighbour who stood up to the French police and the occupying Nazi forces is moving, inspiring and exemplary. It is possible that the Rozenfeld family were relatives of the family of Ida Dehn, née Flieder, from Warsaw.


Ginette Rozenfeld. Photo: Family aarchives Dehn.

Historical: Immediately after the progrom of November 1938, the fascists arrested 30,000 “especially wealthy” healthy Jewish men “not too old” on Hitler’s personal orders. Most of these so-called “Aktionsjuden” were imprisoned in concentration camps Dachau, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen for two to six weeks. The aim of this measure was to enforce the men and their families into fleeing abroad. According to Nazi law, expropriation was linked to the escape. The Jewish assets “aryanised” in this way flowed into the state coffers of the Nazi Reich.

After the war, nobody wanted to have known anything: Jewish men after the November pogroms on the march from Baden-Baden to the Dachau concentration camp. Photo: Federal Archives No. 183-86686-0008.

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