

Many survivors of Nazi persecution were reluctant to talk about their suffering because they did not want to be confronted with the evil memories again. To avoid this and out of respect for this decision of the Holocaust generation, many children and grandchildren did not reach out further to their parents or grandparents. The author belongs to this generation of children of the Holocaust and – unfortunately only late after the death of his parents – and urgent inquiries from his son – began to delve intensively into the family’s history. Friends and acquaintances also came into focus, whose names were lost in memory – as well as the historical context of the events.
The aim here is to contribute to this work of remembrance. Because many biographies of the 2,000 Dunera Boys have not yet been researched and written, although they are worth it. And in Germany this topic is not enough known anyway.

Wolfgang Kittel was the only one who was allowed to leave the Dunera during their journey. Why?


Wolfgang Kittel

George, a member of a respected Jewish family, escaped Nazi persecution to England, where he was deported as an enemy.

Biography, Biography

George Chodziesner

Escape, exile and return of a paediatrician.


Dr Ernst Wasser

A story about resolute resistance and the rescue of a Jewish girl in Paris.


Ginette Rozenfeld

A group of Jewish artists came to Australia via Shanghai. Some were acquainted with the Dehn family.


The „Shanghai 12“

Josef Ganz (1898- 1967) - The co-inventor of the VW Beetle, expelled by the Nazis, goes to Australia via Switzerland.


Josef Ganz

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