Ginette Rozenfeld
A story about resolute resistance and the rescue of a Jewish girl in Paris.
A group of Jewish artists came to Australia via Shanghai. Some were acquainted with the Dehn family.
Josef Ganz (1898- 1967) – The co-inventor of the VW Beetle, expelled by the Nazis, goes to Australia via Switzerland.
Leon Gottlieb was a Hamburg anti-fascist who travelled to Australia via Singapore on the Queen Mary.
The short article about the dentist Dr Ernst Friedlich, a witness to the Lebrechts’ marriage, refers to his “Flurgespräche” biography.
Heinz Dehn’s wife and their two small children, his mother and other close relatives were murdered by the Nazis.
Ida Dehn, née Flieder, from Hanover, lost all her relatives – her parents, three brothers and a half-brother and his family in the Holocaust.
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